
Sunday, 10 July 2011

Sweet Corn Dumplings

Good Morning!
Its SUNDAY! And I have another deep fried savory lined up! You can make these in less than 30 minutes. And the taste? Well, you have corn. So obviously they HAVE to taste good! :-D I got the recipe from my Mum. I made a few changes to the original recipe, mainly because I didn't have a few ingredients at home. But to my surprise, it came out much tastier & crispier than my mom's! :-D SO, now, she takes the recipe from ME!

Sweet Corn Kernels - 1 cup
Onion - a palmful (optional)
Roasted Split Chickpeas / roasted Bengal gram - 2 tablespoons
Green Chili - 3-4 finely chopped
                                   Red chili powder - 2 teaspoons
                                   Coriander/Parsley - 2 tablespoons (chopped)
                                   Garam Masala - 1 teaspoon (skip if you cannot make or find it)
                                   Ginger-Garlic paste - 2 teaspoons
                                   Salt - 1-2 teaspoons (or as per your taste)
                                   Cornflour - 2-3 tablespoon (or until the mixture is thick)
**some people use bread crumbs to thicken the mixture. I didn't have bread at home, so I used a tablespoon of Semolina (Rava) & increased my cornflour until the mixture was thick enough for me to make small corn balls.

Method -
1. Boil the Sweet corn to make it soft. (I put it in the microwave with water for about 6 minutes)
2. In a blender/mixer, put the green chili, red chili powder, coriander, roasted split chickpeas, onions, salt, Garam masala & grind it into a coarse mixture
3. After making a mixture, add the boiled Sweet corn into the mixer & grind it into a paste. It should not be a very smooth paste. No need to add water.
4. Once you get the paste out, take a call. If it is not very thick, add more cornflour. I had to add about 2-3 tablespoons of cornflour. You can add you bread crumbs now. I skipped it & added more cornflour.
 5. Heat the oil. Make small balls from the mixture & drop them into the oil. Let it cook for 2 minutes on medium flame. Then turn the corn balls so that the other side can get cooked well too. Cook for a longer time on medium flame. (takes around 5-6 minutes totally)
 6. Serve with tomato ketchup or any dipping of your choice!


  1. Hi Kavi
    tried this sweet corn dumplings (with light modification) for BHW...we just loved it a lot and a wonderful snack recipe too...thanx dear for kids loved it a lot..first time i tried snack with sweet corn and liked it a lot :)once again thank you dear..

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Thanks for the feedback! :-)