
Saturday 18 February 2012

Stuffed Karela/ Bitter Melon | Cooking With Kin #3#

Mumbai-chi mulgi Ashwini who has a beautiful blog named Indulge - Ashcorner; has graciously agreed to be my guest blogger today. :) For me, she's this super-baker and cake decorator who has so many lovely cakes to her credit. The first post I had seen on her blog was this Disney Cars Cake. Go on, open the link. You would think she's a professional cake-decorator. I used to admire her posts... and that was it.
Last month, I buzzed her on chat (coz I seemed to have 400 friends on Facebook. And it was embarrassing not to know anything about anybody! So I randomly buzzed everyone online & she was the only one to reply!) And I immediately connected with Ashwini. For one, she is a hardcore Mumbai-ite. :-D So we had a lot to chat about. And I'm happy to be featuring her post here today! :)

Over to you, Ash - 
I am guest posting for Kavi and her CWK Series. It is my great honor to do this post for her. When I first started reading her blog, I imagined Kavi to be older and much closer to my age, but when I spoke with her, I realized that she is still in college and already cooking so much that I, at her age could only have even imagined in my wildest dreams. So when she asked me to do a guest post for her, I was lost as to what I should do for her. Then I realized that no one goes the karela (bitter gourd) way.. so here I go where no one goes. Kavi's blog is full of bakes, treats and goodies. May be my post will balance the sweetness on her blog. Thanks Kavi for giving me this opportunity to do this for you. It has been a pleasure doing this for you.
This is yet another Karela recipe. I know I know, I hear the groans, and see the faces, but believe me guys, this is as good as any karela can get. The bitter groud/melon is bitter before it gets cooked, but once you get to the stuffing and the skin, the bitterness gets sweet. Try it guys, you will like it. The stuffing is sweet/tangy and spicy all at the same time.

(Serves 4)
1/2 medium onion finely chopped and roasted in 2 tsp oil.
1/2 cup roasted peanuts powder
1 tbsp Jaggery or Gul-- substitute with brown sugar if Jaggery is not found
1 tbsp Juice of Tamarind
2 tbsp Fresh chopped Cilantro
salt to taste
1 tsp Red Chili powder
1 tsp Goda Masala- This is a typical Brahman masala...also called as Black Masala-- substitute with Garam Masala--Famous Indian spice easily found in Indian Grocery stores
1 tsp Cumin Powder
1 tsp Coriander Powder
4 Bittergourds/Bitter Melon/ Karela-- slit the center and remove all the seeds from the inside, taking care of not ripping the ends.
Twine or Toothpicks top keep the stuffed Karela together and avoid the stuffing form coming out while cooking.

For Tadka/Tempering
1 tsp jeera/cumin seeds
1 tsp oil or coat the pan well to cook the Karela's

Method -
1. Mix all the stuffing ingredients, if the tamarind juice is not enough, use very little water to bind the mixture. The mixture should be sticky, not wet and easy to hold itself inside the veggie.
2. Now take the slit open bitter melons/ karelas and stuff each one with the above mixture.
3. Seal the open cut with toothpicks or tie them together with cooking twine. I did not have any twine, so used tooth picks.
4. Now in a heated pan, take little oil, heat it well and add the jeera/cumin seeds (the tadka Ingredients) and add the stuffed karela's/veggies.
5. Cover and cook on low heat. Note that the lid should not be removed, if needed slightly shake the pan, so as to ensure nothing sticks to the pan. On a low flame, cook the veggies. Steam them well and cook till done


  1. this z great event, introducing such wonderful chefs.....lovely dear....

    another inniovative recipe with bitter gourd...

  2. WOW!! you have done very nicely with lots of patience. Good one

  3. Such a wonderful recipe! I am a hard core lover of Karela and this will surely entice me. I love bharwan karela/ stuffed bitter-gourd and this is slightly new to me in terms of jaggery and the peanut powder that has been introduced with. I'm super delighted with this recipe.
    Kavi, you are doing a great job by bringing such talented faces afront some of whom I never knew earlier. :)

  4. The first time I tried making this, it turned out bitter, something wrong with the filling I guess, but yours look very tempting, let me try..

  5. Awww kavi.. u r a sweetheart.. thanks for such a lovely intro. Best wishes and wishing you success in your exams.
    Love Ash.

  6. Wow love the presentation. I live the way you have used tooth picks to keep the spices in. I love karela too and use similar spices (no tamarind though) as you but I tend to boil the Karela first before stuffing them...

  7. awesome and lovely stuffed karela.

  8. Good post Kavi. And This is specially good as a perfect reminder for karelaphobiacs like me!

  9. Just the other day my husband was asking me to make stuffed karela...I had no clue since I do not eat karela...thanks for the recipe, will give it a try...

  10. bharwaan karela is my all time fav dish... looks delecious

  11. Of late, I like Karela, and will have it in any form, fried and crisp is the best.
    (and hey 4 hrs is not a long journey) :-)


Thanks for the feedback! :-)